Hi, I'm Ruby.

I'm a British native who has lived in northern Virginia since 2013. My favorite thing about Virginia is how green it is. I felt at home really fast here because of how much it looks like England.

I'm married to a proud veteran and I'm a housewife with an interest in all things creative: painting, interior design & of course, photography. In my spare time I love to travel to England to visit my family and I dedicate time to championing awareness into infertility issues.

In my previous career I was a neonatal nurse and love to work with children. They really light up the world with their energy and taking photos of children to capture that light is a joy!

Why choose me?

I'm no stranger to feeling inadequate in my appearance. I have spent many hours criticizing the way I look, but I am dedicated to doing everything I can to make others feel their best. My favorite sessions by far are portraits and boudoir. Anything to make you feel your best and invincible when you leave my company.


I am a great listener and want to know your story. I have pride in knowing I can capture your memories for you to treasure forever. Capturing a candid moment is my favorite - you can truly see the spirit of the subject through these unplanned moments.

***I will not alter your image in photoshop. My goal as a photographer is to show you how beautiful you are naturally.

“I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you.”